If your dome or brake light is malfunctioning or has become inoperable, choose the perfect replacement from our large selection. We carry bulbs, wiring, circuits and full replacement kits that include LED, incandescent and other lighting options. Enjoy your choice of high-functioning dome and brake lights in a variety of styles. These lighting solutions offer a long lifespan and varying levels of brightness to fit your needs perfectly. All of our products are from top manufacturers, and installation is simple and straightforward.
Browse the selection of truck cap domes and brake lights below.
Replacement third brake light. 10" Surface Mount. 28 Super-Bright L.E.D.'s exceeding SAE requirements. Includes 2 screws and screw hole covers. Extended lens flange to cover rough openings. Accommodates 15º-25º mounting angles in a compact 9.75" length by 1.44" height design. Amp pins are pre-terminated on color-coded wire leads for easy dealer installs. Meets or exceeds all applicable industry standards.
A surface mount LED dome light with 8 ultra-bright LED's. This LED Interior Light is a great addition to just about any vehicle for nearly any interior location where more light is desired and power from the vehicle is not available. This LED light is super bright and has a life expectancy of nearly 10,000 hours of use. Fully sealed switch and housing, two wire, surface mount.
Brake Light Logic Module works on all new truck caps with LED brake lights and with older incandescent brake lights. Compact design, color-coded wires for easy installation, Input/Output Protection.
A surface mount LED dome light with 8 ultra-bright LED's and a black plastic bezel. This LED Interior Light is a great addition to just about any vehicle for nearly any interior location where more light is desired and power from the vehicle is not available. This LED light is super bright and has a life expectancy of nearly 10,000 hours of use. Fully sealed switch and housing, two wire, surface mount.
At SiraWeb, our selection of center-mount third brake lights also includes a variety of styles and sizes. Most attach quickly and easily without the need for screws or drilling. As an added bonus, center-mount brake lights also offer the opportunity to improve safety. Some insurance companies will even provide a break in rates when you install one.
SiraWeb is your source for quality truck, truck cap, and ATV parts and accessories. All products are available at the best possible prices, and we even provide fast shipping to international addresses as well as hassle-free returns. Our goal is to deliver quality products that provide exceptional performance for the long-term.